RVshare Review

RVshare Review

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Rvshare.com has a rating of 4.32 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Rvshare.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Highly Recommended By Users
    • Easy to Use Interface
    • Reasonable Price
    • Satisfied Customer Base
    • May Find It Difficult to Find Support

    Review Score Breakdown

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    4.32 stars based on 5 Reviews


    The owner was courteous to deal with and attempted to assist us; nevertheless, we had no generator service on a 15-hour journey. RVshare has the right to keep our security deposit to cover damages, but we're not sure where our recompense for the troubles we encountered is.
    Mar 14,2022 Flag


    The total experience was excellent. I'd give it a 5, but the recommended/promoted RVs and conversations that would randomly appear in my inbox as if I had initiated them bugged me. This experience truly caused me to contemplate using a different provider at one point.
    Mar 14,2022 Flag

    Brittany Cobb

    As a first-time user, almost everything went smoothly. The only difficulty we experienced was with the app's file a claim feature. There was no information as to where to get it, and that section of the programme did not operate (open) on my phone. As a result, I was unable to submit a minor event I had.
    Mar 14,2022 Flag


    Benjamin was able to assist me with getting my listing up and going. Thank you very much - extremely useful.
    Mar 14,2022 Flag

    Rebecca Hartman

    There wasn't anything odd with insurance coverage, but it would be wonderful if there was a simplified and/or consistent way to check coverage from my insurer and what the customer is requesting.
    Mar 14,2022 Flag

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