Enphold Review

Enphold Review

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Enphold.com has a rating of 4.05 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Enphold.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Good Quality Products
    • Satisfied Customer Base
    • Helpful and Responsive Customer Service
    • Delivery time may take longer than expected

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Quality :
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    • Delivery :
    • Overall:

    4.05 stars based on 5 Reviews


    I ordered three-day shipping in order to secure my new phone as soon as possible. It took around 14 days. They could have delivered it using a three-day service, but they didn't have merchandise to ship for more than a week, so expedited service was useless. The product was satisfactory, and their customer service and communication were excellent. I'd order again if I didn't have to pay more for faster delivery.
    Apr 08,2022 Flag

    Wanda Lynn

    This is a good example. The laughs and feelings are great. The case fulfils my requirements.I just wish the ID holder was longer, as my entire body is squeezed behind the plastic sleeve. The magnet may be a little stronger at times, but generally, this case performs great.
    Apr 08,2022 Flag


    I bought an iPhone 12 mini. I'm having trouble charging it using the MagSafe charger. It's been tough to find the appropriate position, so I've given up on using the charger. This was incredibly disheartening.
    Apr 08,2022 Flag


    Ordering online was simple, and delivery was prompt. The product is of excellent quality. The only criticism is that the magnetic strap does not remain closed if more than one card is in each of the three slots on the wallet side. And forget about combining numerous dollar notes.
    Apr 08,2022 Flag


    The magnet isn't as powerful as I would have wanted. The phone effortlessly falls out. I have a few additional wallet cases that have a strong magenetic grip. Otherwise, the quality is excellent.
    Apr 08,2022 Flag

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