Farecorner Reviews

Farecorner Reviews

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Farecorner.com has a rating of 1 stars from 2 Reviews, showing most of the customers are unhappy with their purchases and don't recommend this company
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    Farecorner.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Pricings are decent
    • Occasional discounts
    • Extensive and helpful customer service
    • On time delivery
    • Poor refund scheme

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Pricing:
    • Ease of use:
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    • Payment safety:
    • Overall:

    1 stars based on 2 Reviews

    vincent frataccia

    On 12/16 I was looking for flights from Syracuse ny to Nashville tn. I found great prices on FareCorner so I booked the flight. Then I got an email to contact them. They wanted an extra $140 for each ticket because the website supposedly was incorrect. They wouldnt honor the website price so I had to cancel the flight.
    Jan 06,2023 Flag

    Donnie Reynolds

    I bought tickets on a Monday. I received an email saying they were being processed. I emailed them on Tuesday asking why they havent been confirmed purchased. I got an email asking me to authorize the payment, which I did. No response for 3 days. I called twice and was told that I would be called back within 30 minutes and never was. I bought other tickets for the flight I needed and then out of nowhere 5 days after I first attempted to buy the tickets they processed my payment. They will not refund my $202.80 processing fee. This place is a scam. -Donnie Reynolds
    Jul 07,2022 Flag

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