Daily Harvest Review

Daily Harvest Review

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Daily-harvest.com has a rating of 3.1 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and will recommend them
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    Daily-harvest.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Good Quality Food
    • Fair Pricing
    • Decent Packaging
    • Poor User Experience

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Packaging:
    • Pricing:
    • User Experience:
    • Quality:
    • Overall:

    3.1 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Euan Read

    The quality is superb. I experienced a problem with an order and contacted customer service. They absolutely and completely solved all of my concerns. 15/10
    Mar 17,2022 Flag

    Chase Spencer

    I've been ordering the Daily-Harvest smoothies and other items. There has always been excellent delivery and high-quality stuff. Daily-Harvest is one of my favorites.
    Mar 17,2022 Flag

    Remy Sharp

    It was simple to place an order, and I was able to choose my own food. The cuisine is fantastic! The portions are quite large. The Bites are a must-have. They're small but filling snacks. I would never have tried so many vegetables on my own, but they've all been delicious.
    Mar 17,2022 Flag

    Nathan Wilson

    It was a waste of money. The food is disgusting. I now have a freezer stuffed with food I'll never consume. I tried numerousmeals in the hopes of changing my mind, but none of them were good.
    Mar 17,2022 Flag

    Remy Elliott

    Daily Harvest provides delicious plant-based meals. I enjoy how simple and quick it is to prepare the cuisine.
    Mar 17,2022 Flag

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