EaseMyTrip Reviews

EaseMyTrip Reviews

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Easemytrip.com has a rating of 3.95 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and will recommend them
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    Easemytrip.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Customer support is up to the mark
    • Mostly positive user experience
    • Reasonable pricing
    • Easy to book
    • Sketchy refund and cancellation policy

    Review Score Breakdown

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    • Ease of use:
    • Pricing:
    • Overall:

    3.95 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Damian Nguyen

    Booking travel is a breeze with this app. I used this app to book my flights. Despite the fact that my flight got cancelled by the airline, I received a full refund theday afterwithout ever having to call EaseMyTrip. As a result, it's a very reliable travel booking tool.
    Mar 22,2022 Flag

    Edwin Rhodes

    very useful website. support agents are very helpful. thanks easemytrip.
    Mar 22,2022 Flag

    Conrad Taylor

    Due to an error, I had to cancel a reservation within minutes of making it. I only received a 70% refund, therefore I requested that Easymytrip investigate with the airlines to see if they could process a complete refund and create an exception in my circumstance.I have yet to receive an answer from the airline, but I am overjoyed that Easemytrip contacted both airlines, passing my request and keeping me informed.
    Mar 22,2022 Flag

    Anastasia Hewitt

    They have a very professional staff that can address a problem in a matter of seconds. It comes highly recommended.
    Mar 22,2022 Flag

    Drogo Jenning

    Customer service is excellent; I had a problem with cancellation and they promptly resolved it.
    Mar 22,2022 Flag

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