Excellent Hotels Reviews

Excellent Hotels Reviews

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Excellenthotels.com has a rating of 4.4 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Excellenthotels.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Mostly positive user experience
    • Easy to navigate website
    • Reasonable pricing
    • Delayed in customer support

    Review Score Breakdown

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    4.4 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Randolph Rodgers

    Fine pricing, great accommodations. I recommend this to everyone.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Tristan Potter

    I needed to findaroom of my clients who had a last-minute schedule change and didn't really have time to phone hotels or contact tour companies for rates. I picked Excellent Hotels as I've spent a lot of time working with their sibling firm, Auto Europe, to discover exceptionally good vehicle rental rates. I was correct; the room's price was really reasonable!
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Claire Reyes

    The website is simple to navigate and read. There isn't a lot of visual clutter, and the guidelines are simple to follow. It should still be this simple to make a reservation.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Maurice Haynes

    All of the places I booked were excellent value for the money. For us, both the first and second resort on the list was usually the best option. Good value for money, and provided you had your issued voucher, check-in was sosimple. I'd absolutely hire them again if I went to Europe.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Marsh Robertson

    I had a fantastic day with them and will definitely use them again.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

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