Handprinted Review

Handprinted Review

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Handprinted.co.uk has a rating of 4.7 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Handprinted.co.uk's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Good Quality Products
    • Good Customer Care Service
    • Affordable Prices
    • Fast Shipping and Delivery

    Review Score Breakdown

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    4.7 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Martin Sutton

    Orders are processed quickly. Excellent value for money, well-made equipment, and first-rate packaging and delivery.I wouldn't use anyone else. Support videos are excellent.
    Apr 01,2022 Flag

    Prunella Gregory

    I always get print materials from handprinted since they have such a large selection and a series of videos/workshops on their website that show how the products operate. The product description is really detailed, and everything is linked, such as screen sizes and squeegees. When ordering online, the service is quite quick, and the products are always packaged with care.
    Apr 01,2022 Flag

    Marlon Brown

    For all topics print, Handprinted is my 'go to' place.I frequently call them for guidance because they have exceptional customer service and a competent crew.
    Apr 01,2022 Flag

    Terry Barker

    Excellent buy, just what I needed, and it arrived quickly and in good condition! I'll definitely use it again. Handprinted, thank you!
    Apr 01,2022 Flag

    Wanda Kinsman

    A reliable service with a decent price range and shipping that is always dispatched and received on time, as well as a nice selection of products!I keep most of my materials and tools in there.I would strongly suggest it.
    Apr 01,2022 Flag

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