happygiftcompany.com: Read Pros, Cons,Reviews and More
They are delighted you are visiting our shop. At Happy Gift Company their goal is to create a place where everyone feels welcome and where inspiring creative play and endless imagination takes precedent above everything else. They believe that well made, ethically sourced, and environmentally friendly toys should be easily accessible to everyone. You’ll notice none of their toys are electronic, this is on purpose. Research has shown that electronic toys distract from the interaction between parent and child, as well as limit the child’s creativity. Therefore; they have chosen to curate toys made specifically to encourage movement, interaction, and creative play. They invite you to browse their collection of toys and come back to visit often as their inventory will change to provide you with endless options to ignite your child’s imagination. If there is something you wish to see in their shop.
Location: Happy Gift Company, PO Box 2133, Redwood City, CA 94064
Phone: (650) 395-7085
Email: [email protected].