Kasamba Reviews

Kasamba Reviews

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Kasamba.com has a rating of 2.96 stars from 6 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases
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    Kasamba.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Easy to Navigate
    • Friendly Staff
    • Decent Service
    • Expensive Price
    • Poor Reading Process

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Reliability:
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    • Overall:

    2.96 stars based on 6 Reviews

    Sebastian Butler

    I continue to choose my adviser because she genuinely cares, listens, and is so sweet! Her perceptive responses always precisely fit my inquiries, which makes me happy.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Logan Phillips

    The majority of readers leave the audience waiting, while a few others demand payment or require further time before beginning the reading. Between Ken and this site, I have to say that the readership quality of this site is atrocious.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Ellis Patel

    I had a reading that was enlightening and uplifting. The counselor made an attempt to explain things and appeared to care. However, his charge was hefty, and I had to hang my phone because time was running out.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Hayden Barnes

    Kasamba encouraged me to practice patience and use greater caution. I'm grateful for the advisor I'm collaborating with. She is without a doubt the best so far. She and I get along great, and I value her advice.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Alex Fletcher

    I love this website! I received a couple of readings from the advisors, and each one was accurate for my case. I did have a minor problem at first because I didn't know how to use the website, but customer service helped me out and clarified everything. I'm really, really happy!
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

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