Kasamba Reviews

Kasamba Reviews

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Kasamba.com has a rating of 2.96 stars from 6 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases
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    Kasamba.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Easy to Navigate
    • Friendly Staff
    • Decent Service
    • Expensive Price
    • Poor Reading Process

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Reliability:
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    • Ease of Use:
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    • Overall:

    2.96 stars based on 6 Reviews

    Sebastian Lane

    This website is fraudulent. I was speaking to an adviser who raised a specific charge that was already on her account and charged me $402.19 when she did so. This is fraud. I have emailed the firm six times about this scam and have yet to hear back from them. That merely demonstrates dishonesty and deception.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

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