Lensa Reviews

Lensa Reviews

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Lensa.com has a rating of 3.21 stars from 7 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and will recommend them
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    Lensa.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Simple and Easy
    • Affordable Price
    • Decent Service
    • Annoying and Unresponsive
    • Many Customer have Complain their Information

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Reliability:
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    • Ease of Use:
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    • Overall:

    3.21 stars based on 7 Reviews

    Sebastian Lane

    They are bombarding someone with a name that is not mine with daily messages about jobs that I have no interest in applying for. Although their website makes this claim, there is nowhere to actually do so. Several UNSUBSCRIBE emails have gone unanswered.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Emilio York

    They have excellent customer service, they take the time to direct inexperienced users to the appropriate resources, and they walk you quickly through many of the stages.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Joseph Bryant

    I suggest using this service. numerous employment offers and further assistance. The support staff is kind and prepared to assist. For employers, it is undoubtedly a fascinating location.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Reed Schwartz

    I'm writing this review to share my experience with Lensa, which I rate as the best and most responsive to emails. Throughout our interaction, Lensa did not utter any foul language.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Logan Jordan

    I've been seeking work, but due to my age, I'm not qualified for many of the positions. I do appreciate you providing the chances, but even though I have years of experience, I feel unqualified for many of them.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

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