Lowfaretravel Review

Lowfaretravel Review

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Lowfaretravel.com has a rating of 4.9 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Lowfaretravel.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Positive User Experience
    • Reasonable Price
    • Effective Service
    • Easy Booking Process

    Review Score Breakdown

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    4.9 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Rohit Ghai

    LowFareTravel is a legit company. You will not be dissatisfied with their service, particularly their honesty.I've been booking tickets with them for the past three years and have recommended them to my friends.Please keep these in mind for a relaxing and stress-free trip.
    Apr 02,2022 Flag


    For the past 12 years and more, my family (a son and two daughters) has used your services. That tells you all you need to know. We can't think of another location to acquire domestic or international travel tickets. We have complete faith in what we will receive from you. May the size of your tribe grow!
    Apr 02,2022 Flag

    Latasha McIntyre

    Low Fare Travels is the best site to get your ticket if you want to make your journey less hectic. We have been receiving exceptional customer service since 1999. The finest of Sanjay's work. You will never be regretful if you purchase your tickets from Sanjay.Good luck with your journey!!
    Apr 02,2022 Flag

    Gurteshwar Sandhu

    Sanjay was fantastic, and he was quite patient with us. He got us a fantastic discount on our vacation to India, including flights and hotels. Overall, we have used low-cost travel on multiple occasions and will continue to do so in the future.Fantastic vacation agency!Excellent customer service!
    Apr 02,2022 Flag

    Varsha Upadhye

    Low Fare Trip's crew performed an excellent job of locating the best pricing for our business class travel.The only reason I didn't give it a five-star rating was because of Air China's lack of information during the Coronovirus epidemic.We were able to return home thanks to Low Fare Travel.Thank you so much, Sahil.
    Apr 02,2022 Flag

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