midtjyskelcenter.dk: Read Pros, Cons,Reviews and More
If you need an electrician in Central Jutland, you can safely call us. We are among the area’s largest electrical companies, and they do all electrical tasks – from simple electrical installations to larger complex tasks.
Midtjysk El Center was founded in 1934 and is an amalgamation of various electrical installation businesses from the surrounding area, all of whom have a broad knowledge of the Midtjysk business community. They want to be known in the area and the market as a serious and professional partner who can handle small and large tasks, good quality at an agreed price and time. Their work must be known for solid and skilled craftsmanship and they want to stand as a visionary company, where employees and management stand together for the common goals and challenges that their customers set for they. At Midtjysk EL Center, they take on all tasks, so regardless of whether your task is small or large, they move out. They currently have around 40 employees in the company who can help you with everything.
Location: Siriusvej 1,7430, Ikast, Denmark
Phone: 96606000