Oojo Reviews

Oojo Reviews

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Oojo.com has a rating of 4.56 stars from 4 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Oojo.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Competitive price points
    • Patient and helpful customer support agents
    • Easy booking
    • 100% secure payment
    • Complicated payment procedure

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Value for money:
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    • Overall:

    4.56 stars based on 4 Reviews

    Hege Rike

    I booked a trip and the process went extremely smoothly. All of the representatives were courteous and competent, and I would strongly suggest this service.
    Mar 21,2022 Flag

    Rune Borger

    Except for the verification of my card and ID, everything went smoothly. For me, the extra step was strange since it appeared obtrusive and unique. However, pricing and communication have been satisfactory thus far.
    Mar 21,2022 Flag

    Ted Russell

    Purchasing from them has been the best experience I've ever had. Various pleasant and courteous customer service staff.
    Mar 21,2022 Flag

    Koby Richards

    Jonathan is quite helpful; he assisted me with whatever I required and was extremely kind; she fully explained everything to me regarding the questions I had. Thank you for your assistance.
    Mar 21,2022 Flag

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