Pittman & Davis Review

Pittman & Davis Review

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Pittmandavis.com has a rating of 3 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases
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    Pittmandavis.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Great Product
    • Satisfied Customers
    • Great Deals
    • Fair Pricing
    • Rude Customer Support

    Review Score Breakdown

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    3 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Aiden Poole

    My replacement grapefruit arrived today, and six of them were squishy. This is half of the package. Dreadful replacement
    Mar 15,2022 Flag

    Rowan Foster

    The little cara oranges are incredibly sweet and far larger than imagined. You submitted 30 instead of 20. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. I'll be ordering from you again and again.
    Mar 15,2022 Flag

    Kai Bailey

    I will never order from this company again! Such a disaster of an order, and no one will assist! Customer service is terrible! It took 13 days for my cargo to arrive in California, via New Jersey and Indiana! Ridiculous! Customer service is terrible!
    Mar 15,2022 Flag

    Leigh Pearce

    I attempted to contact Pittman and Davis regarding an order multiple times. I'm still waiting for a direct response. I've done business with them in the past, but I'm not sure if I'll do so again.
    Mar 15,2022 Flag

    Clem Woods

    Pittman & Davis kept their word and gave me a substantial refund for the spoiled fruit that I had complained about. I'd like to express my gratitude to them for that. Thank you very much!
    Mar 15,2022 Flag

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