R&D Heating and Cooling Review

R&D Heating and Cooling Review

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Rdhvac.com has a rating of 1 stars from 1 Reviews, showing most of the customers are unhappy with their purchases and don't recommend this company
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    Rdhvac.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Quickly And Efficiently
    • Reliable Service And Knowledgeable Technicians
    • Value For Money
    • Affordable Price

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    1 stars based on 1 Reviews


    3 years ago we hired R&D to replace our heating and cooling systems. The systems they installed have not worked correctly since day one. Recently the heater did not work again so R&D sent a technician at 9PM to fix it. Not only did he not fix it but he opened something that spewed soot all over my floor and rug. He left without cleaning it. The next day another technician arrived and assumed the chimney was blocked so we hired a chimney professional who determined there was no blockage. Again the technician arrived, replaced the oil filter and nozzle and it worked. We were charged for these visits as well as parts both of which were supposed to be covered under our service contract. We had to fight with them to get them to pay the chimney service costs. We are still fighting with them to get the other costs credited but they won't answer our emails. Additionally Ann, the General Manager, was quite nasty and has no customer service skills. R&D lies and cheats their customers. DO NOT USE R&D! ZERO STARS!
    Oct 15,2019 Flag

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