ScratchMonkeys Review

ScratchMonkeys Review

Write a Review has a rating of 4.76 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    • Helpful and Responsive Customer Service
    • Fast Delivery
    • Value for Money Deals
    • Satisfied Customer Base
    • Reports of Code is not Valid

    Review Score Breakdown

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    4.76 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Terry Nixon

    No problems; I've been using the service for years after a friend recommended it. The prices are straightforward, the service is excellent, and the codes are delivered immediately. I've never had a problem with the codes not working. This site comes highly recommended for your needs.
    Mar 29,2022 Flag

    Shawn Potter

    To be honest, I received my codes and they worked! Thank you very much. There are no complaints here. My bank did ask me to validate any charges after I checked and settled that; it was on my part because I have a private bank, but after I verified, I had no problems, thank you guys. I'm delighted to acquire cheaper Wizard101 codes. I've been playing this game without issue for years.
    Mar 29,2022 Flag


    When I experienced issues with purchases, I was unable to rectify them. No matter what method I used, they consistently denied my money. I finally gave up with the help of those who made various reasons for me. By making a new account, I decided to give it one last shot. I was able to purchase without any problems. They receive four stars because, despite my previous troubles, this transaction was completed in a matter of seconds.
    Mar 29,2022 Flag

    Lonnie Erickson

    ScratchMonkeys charges the same as the gaming sites for add-ons and other items, but without the added tax, plus they email the codes much faster, making them a good alternative. One issue is that the banana points are relatively meaningless, but I can live with that.
    Mar 29,2022 Flag

    Eunice Alston

    I had trouble getting my credit cards to work on the site; they were either blocked by the site or by my credit company, which was aggravating. However, the crew was quite helpful in assisting me in resolving the obstacles so that I could eventually complete my order and everything was well.
    Mar 29,2022 Flag

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