Top Tutors Reviews

Top Tutors Reviews

Write a Review has a rating of 3.71 stars from 6 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and will recommend them
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    3.71 stars based on 6 Reviews

    Ryan Lee

    I had a good grade on my pharmacology exam from Top Tutors earlier this month, and I was able to achieve a score of over 90%. I wholeheartedly endorse these people. Exam in Pharmacology.
    Jul 25,2022 Flag

    Charlie Spence

    My coursework in aviation engineering was completed by top tutors last semester, and I earned a B+, which made me really happy. I'm going to give them an exam to take and see how they do. Crossing fingers.
    Jul 25,2022 Flag

    Cale Cleveland

    On April 5, 2022, Top Tutors took care of my economics exam, and the outcomes were better than I had anticipated. I got 88 percent and will use these people to order my next examinations as well.
    Jul 25,2022 Flag

    Beau Sykes

    The writer was 10 minutes late and claimed I never mentioned the exam was proctored and that I was running behind schedule. I had a proctored finance exam. I failed because I was wrong on half the questions. demanded my money while threatening to accuse me of cheating and denounce me to my school. I registered for two additional examinations, and now that I want to cancel, they are refusing to give me a refund because their bank account has been suspended.
    Jul 25,2022 Flag

    Maison Sexton

    My 10,000-word master's dissertation was written by this website. I simply didn't have the time to do it on my own because the subject was social justice. The modifications were completed quickly and without charge. Working with these people is a pleasure.
    Jul 25,2022 Flag

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