Unemployed Professors.com Reviews

Unemployed Professors.com Reviews

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Unemployedprofessors.com has a rating of 2.4 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases
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    Unemployedprofessors.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Knowledgeable Professor
    • Quality Service
    • Informative and Useful
    • Affordable Price
    • Poor Time Management

    Review Score Breakdown

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    2.4 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Hugo Schroeder

    Even after some modifications, the paper barely passed with a 40/100 rating from an average assessment for an average essay. More citations were required, and it didn't entirely adhere to the directive.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Jett Key

    My papers were written by instructors who failed to follow the instructions. One of the articles included practically exact plagiarism. I was required to compose the paper myself, but I was still charged. So, where is the incentive to perform quality work when you can generate sh*t and still get paid?
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Ross Murphy

    The professor I asked to prepare my essay for me used incorrect sources and made untrue claims about them.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Kian Black

    The tasks from Politicsman are consistently well written; I've utilized them a few times. In addition, I receive answers to my queries and notifications of any gaps in service extremely rapidly.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

    Cody Patel

    After some initial hesitation, I received an outstanding article with just one day's notice. This is amazing, and I will definitely return.
    Jul 13,2022 Flag

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