Urban Adventure Quest Review

Urban Adventure Quest Review - Read 5 User Reviews

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Urbanadventurequest.com has a rating of 4.7 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Urbanadventurequest.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Reasonable Price
    • Plenty of Location
    • Provides Exceptional Service
    • Have Booking Issue

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    4.7 stars based on 5 Reviews


    This was a fantastic exercise. We had a similar sense of anticipation as when we had previously completed an escape room.It was more enjoyable to me than an escape room because we were also engaged in physical activity.My only criticism is that I wish there were more practise examples or information on how some of the questions would be phrased or jumbled. We had some difficulties the first few times, but once we got past a few questions, it was really simple to navigate.
    Apr 04,2022 Flag

    Nelson Andrews

    The quests were a lot of fun, and they led us to a number of fascinating places in the city.A couple of the questions were unclear, resulting in wrong answers, but the largest stumbling obstacle was the snow, which blocked paths to certain spots and obscured inscriptions and other items that we were supposed to read.Probably best worn on hotter days!!
    Apr 04,2022 Flag

    Doris Pitts

    Overall, I had a great time. It would have been wonderful to have an explanation of how they got the answer on one of the answers we got wrong (especially on counting ones), but it was a terrific opportunity to tour a city and see things we might not have noticed otherwise. I'm going to do it again in a different city.
    Apr 04,2022 Flag

    Billie Hale

    It was a great time! We had a family of six that could all participate in the all-on-foot scavenger hunt. Some of the hints were too difficult for children under the age of ten. Only one star was deducted because one clue could not be completed due to a lack of access to the place due to Saint Patrick's Day, and another clue was absent due to construction.However, I would prefer to do it.
    Apr 04,2022 Flag

    Fannie Gray

    This was a pleasant and educational way to see some of the malecn's most intriguing sites. Because my cellular provider allows me to access the Mexican cellular network at any time for no extra charge, I had no issue remaining connected and playing the game.Here's a tip for everyone interested in playing: study each clue carefully!
    Apr 04,2022 Flag

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