WAY Reviews

WAY Reviews

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Way.com has a rating of 4.3 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Way.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Easy to use for any parking
    • Top notch customer support
    • Easy user interface
    • Pricing is higher than its alternatives

    Review Score Breakdown

    • Ease of use:
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    • Overall:

    4.3 stars based on 5 Reviews


    Good value for money and prompt service. It's cost-effective and simple to use. This was a follow-up visit, and it appeared to have progressed even after the earlier booking. It is advantageous to be able to analyze numerous places in order to select the most appropriate one.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Joanna Rodgers

    We had previously used the service and did not even bother to do so again. Our vacation got off to a really simple and stress-free start.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Dale Banks

    I've lost track of how many times I've used this company, and I've never been dissatisfied. It's quick, simple to use, and you get confirmation in a matter of minutes. I would always advise everyone to do this instead of just showing up and waiting for a parking spot!
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Theobold Daves

    In comparison to booking air trips, your process was simple, straightforward, and quick to respond to e-mail inquiries.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

    Juliet Harvey

    The value and quality of service were unrivaled. The hotel as well as parking service impressed us the next day, as well as on our return to the nation.
    Mar 24,2022 Flag

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