Whiskey River Trading Co. Review

Whiskey River Trading Co. Review

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Whiskeyrivertrading.com has a rating of 3.88 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and will recommend them
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    Whiskeyrivertrading.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Hands-On Expert Support
    • Good Quality Products
    • Fast Shipping and Delivery
    • Value for Money Deals
    • No Refund Policy

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    3.88 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Blake Sutton

    Craig Roost was the one who told me about Whiskey River. Amazing company run by a fantastic group of men that are extremely knowledgeable, customer-focused, and professional.
    Mar 31,2022 Flag

    Bennie Dawson

    My wife and I purchased two CT Premium Hudson Bay Belt hatchets. Excellent American-made tool with a decent weight and razor-sharp edges. Thank you to everyone who has helped to keep these axes alive.
    Mar 31,2022 Flag

    Clem Richardson

    I made an order for additional axe gang handles, and two days later I put another order for more handles, since theWhiskey River had noticed. They combined my items for me, saving my money on shipping and giving me a refund. Thanks to everyone at WRTC for making that possible. Tim
    Mar 31,2022 Flag

    Ashton Dixon

    All of the axes were just as stated and arrived on time. The information and service provided were both correct and beneficial. The owner was easy to communicate with and seems to have a lot of knowledge about axes.
    Mar 31,2022 Flag

    Charlie Bates

    It splits hedges like no other blade I've ever used, and it keeps an edge longer than any other blade I've ever owned. I'd give it a ten out of ten rating, and I'll surely go back for more tools.
    Mar 31,2022 Flag

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