Trash server Host. Its ok if you want to play with your 2-3 friends for some days but if you want to run a server on the long term broccoli is just trash. One of the admins crashed my server with a script once and just go afk. I had to figure out myself how to get it running. The other thing is u get a way to undertuned machine. If u just want to play some hours with your friends for a week or so they great, all other is just garbage.
Trash server Host. Its ok if you want to play with your 2-3 friends for some days but if you want to run a server on the long term broccoli is just trash. One of the admins crashed my server with a script once and just go afk. I had to figure out myself how to get it running. The other thing is u get a way to undertuned machine. If u just want to play some hours with your friends for a week or so they great, all other is just garbage.