The only major concern I have is the glue on the mount that adheres to my helmet. When I applied it, the adhesive had already lost its tackiness, causing me issues. I'm not sure if it was the adhesive or the matte surface on my new ls2 helmet that caused this. Even after letting it sit overnight and using the recommended alcohol prep pads, it still failed. My aim is to use industrial Velcro, attaching the adhesive backs to each other and a new piece on the helmet.
The only major concern I have is the glue on the mount that adheres to my helmet. When I applied it, the adhesive had already lost its tackiness, causing me issues. I'm not sure if it was the adhesive or the matte surface on my new ls2 helmet that caused this. Even after letting it sit overnight and using the recommended alcohol prep pads, it still failed. My aim is to use industrial Velcro, attaching the adhesive backs to each other and a new piece on the helmet.