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Dexter Hill

1 Reviews | Reviewer Since Jul 13,2022
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Reviews By Dexter Hill

Wrote on Resume Professional Writers Reviews
Posted on Jul 13,2022

I paid the service provider. The initial r�sum� was 4 pages lengthy and unbelievably riddled with grammatical mistakes. After weeks of back and forth, RPW volunteered to make improvements. Despite three revisions, the resume still has a lot of mistakes. I have received NOTHING from the resume in the way of responses! A year has passed.

Dexter Hill Reviews

Wrote on Resume Professional Writers Reviews
Posted on Jul 13,2022

I paid the service provider. The initial r�sum� was 4 pages lengthy and unbelievably riddled with grammatical mistakes. After weeks of back and forth, RPW volunteered to make improvements. Despite three revisions, the resume still has a lot of mistakes. I have received NOTHING from the resume in the way of responses! A year has passed.