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1 Reviews | Reviewer Since Aug 05,2024
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Reviews By Pete

Wrote on FlexPro Meals Review
Posted on Aug 05,2024

I really liked Flexpro when I started. I will say I like the meals. They really make my life easier. I don't have to worry about what I'm eating. There is a great selection with a healthy calorie count. No clean up and I'm not spending a ton of money eating out all the time. I genuinely enjoy eating a lot of the meals. I used to get my meals every Tuesday, which was also great because I could make sure I got them and put them in the freezer right away. I go away on the weekends a lot. Their delivery window was Tuesday through Thursday, I believe, and that was pretty consistent. Then they did some kind of change to the billing to supposedly make us get our meals quicker, but for me, that has meant my meals come every Friday now, which was outside the original meal delivery window. I am still sticking with them because I like the product enough, but I had to change my schedule. I missed a couple of packages and they went bad when I didn't realize they weren't making it before the deadline. Then one week I didn't get a meal at all. They said to make it up for me they would send me a replacement package free of charge. I had to explain that doesn't make it up. I already paid for that package. Of course you should send a replacement. I'm sure customer service is sick of me hitting them up. I will say after some back and forth they did figure it out and made me happy. More recently, they stopped accepting amazon payment, which is what I had set up. No one told me, and all of a sudden my delivery was canceled. I had to get on again to reset up a different payment method. they did figure it out, but this has been consistent with flex pro. Lots of me having to chase them down to straigten things out that I shouldn't have had to deal with.

Pete Reviews

Wrote on FlexPro Meals Review
Posted on Aug 05,2024

I really liked Flexpro when I started. I will say I like the meals. They really make my life easier. I don't have to worry about what I'm eating. There is a great selection with a healthy calorie count. No clean up and I'm not spending a ton of money eating out all the time. I genuinely enjoy eating a lot of the meals. I used to get my meals every Tuesday, which was also great because I could make sure I got them and put them in the freezer right away. I go away on the weekends a lot. Their delivery window was Tuesday through Thursday, I believe, and that was pretty consistent. Then they did some kind of change to the billing to supposedly make us get our meals quicker, but for me, that has meant my meals come every Friday now, which was outside the original meal delivery window. I am still sticking with them because I like the product enough, but I had to change my schedule. I missed a couple of packages and they went bad when I didn't realize they weren't making it before the deadline. Then one week I didn't get a meal at all. They said to make it up for me they would send me a replacement package free of charge. I had to explain that doesn't make it up. I already paid for that package. Of course you should send a replacement. I'm sure customer service is sick of me hitting them up. I will say after some back and forth they did figure it out and made me happy. More recently, they stopped accepting amazon payment, which is what I had set up. No one told me, and all of a sudden my delivery was canceled. I had to get on again to reset up a different payment method. they did figure it out, but this has been consistent with flex pro. Lots of me having to chase them down to straigten things out that I shouldn't have had to deal with.