How ShopperChecked helps digital marketing agencies boost their sales by 150%?

Did You Know? 24-30% of active digital users ages 45-60 use social networks for product and service research.

How Digital Marketing Was Born?

The digital revolution was born in the summer of 1981 when IBM introduced the world’s first PC. The system came with roughly 50 kilobytes of memory that can process text, play games, and hook up to your television. Businesses saw great potential in this new system and began to take advantage of its compact computing power in many ways. Though this first allowed businesses to reach a significant amount of people in a short amount of time, to convert them into customers first required digitizing customer and prospect information.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a broad term that encapsulates all marketing channels and methods you can use to promote products or services on the Internet but also on electronic devices such as TVs, mobile phones and electronic billboards.

The main difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is that digital marketing campaigns are executed exclusively through digital channels and this gives marketers more control, tools and data to analyze the effectiveness of a campaign.

Here are #8 advantages Of Digital Marketing that will surely help you make the right decision for your business:

1. Strategize with The Valuable Data and Analytics:

Digital marketing helps you give an idea of the exact number of people who have viewed your website.Bottom of Form

To ensure your marketing department is effectively contributing to your business, you need an actionable, data-driven strategy. Data can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of every part of your business, allowing you to make strategic decisions that help your marketing efforts become more successful.

  1. the source of traffic from various gadgets
  2. website bounce rates
  3. how the traffic has changed over time
  4. their geographic location

2. Content Performance and Lead Generation:

Modern marketing has evolved so quickly over the past few years that we haven’t done the best job creating the constructive terminology to define what we’re doing.

Our innovation first, figure-out-how-to-explain-what-we’re-doing-for-the-benefit-of-others second approach has caught up with the digital marketing world.

Digital Lead generation is to generate leads (duh), but there are layers of complexity that become apparent once you start digging into it. This sentiment rings doubly true when talking about lead generation in the field of digital marketing.

3. Improved Conversion Rates:

When it comes to digital marketing campaigns focused around performance aka generating a lead for your sales team, an e-commerce sale, or acquiring a new user, there are many components that go into generating a positive ROI and provide an opportunity for mass scaling and volume of customer acquisition.

4. More Cost Effective Than Traditional Marketing:

Digital marketing help you to save your money with substantial extent. This has the potential to replace costly advertising channels such as television, radio and yellow pages.

With email marketing automation, you can boost your leads. Thus, it will allow you to pre-load content and schedule it for sending out the content at key times.

5. Higher Revenues:

Digital marketing has high conversion rates can be generated by effective digital marketing techniques.

  • have a good layout that enables easy navigation
  • use the digital platform to understand customer purchase patterns
  • offer the right idea that meets the needs of your customers
  • use multiple digital marketing channels to gather useful data.

6. Higher ROI from Your Campaigns:

ROI is calculated using two primary metrics: the cost to do something, and the outcomes generated as a result. Digital marketing companies optimize conversion rates to achieve maximum ROI for businesses. With smarter branding and better revenues, digital marketing can fetch a better ROI than traditional marketing.

With effective tracking and monitoring methods, results can be analyzed. It helps the organizations to take necessary measures as soon as possible.

7. Compete with Large Corporations:

Digital marketing Compete with Large Corporations by the help of small vendor to a large powerhouse, digital marketing offers an affordable and effective marketing tactics. Small brands can drive traffic both locally and across the country by reaching out to their target consumers.

The importance of digital marketing also lies in the fact that it lets you compete for head to head with big brands and large corporations.

8. Get Prepared for the “Internet of Things”:

Digital marketing prepare the “Internet of Things” is a global ecosystem of interconnected devices like smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. These can help people interact with each other through the world wide web.

Digital marketing will prepare your business towards this eventuality. It will permeate through every aspect of people’s lives in daily basis.

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