Cellhelmet Review

Cellhelmet Review

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Cellhelmet.com has a rating of 4.24 stars from 5 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Cellhelmet.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Good Condition Products
    • Free Shipping
    • Hassle Free returns
    • Huge Range of Products
    • Customer Support is not Top notch

    Review Score Breakdown

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    4.24 stars based on 5 Reviews

    Thomas Taylor

    The registration process is far from smooth, and the device does not seem to operate as effectively as it should, since I've had more damaged screens with it than without it, even while using a cheap screen protector.
    May 02,2022 Flag

    Finn Williams

    This was the simplest and quickest warranty replacement I've ever experienced with any brand of product. The customer service team communicated with me in a clear, transparent manner, and at a very quick and attentive speed.
    May 02,2022 Flag

    Charlie Stone

    In two days, I received a replacement for my Note 9. This device has rescued my phone display on numerous occasions, and customer support is always excellent!!
    May 02,2022 Flag

    Keegan Holland

    I sent an email asking as to which product would be ideal for my Fitbit Sense watch. I received a response in one business day that answered my question. I'm really pleased with this product and the fact that it's created in the United States.
    May 02,2022 Flag

    Owen Bennett

    After several months, my block plug stopped charging. I paid for postage and handling up advance and received a replacement. Thank you so much!
    May 02,2022 Flag

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