Travelo1 Reviews

Travelo1 Reviews

Write a Review has a rating of 1 stars from 1 Reviews, showing most of the customers are unhappy with their purchases and don't recommend this company
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    • All around airlines deals
    • 24/7 Booking Assistance
    • Fast, Easy & Secure Reservations
    • Competitive pricing

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    1 stars based on 1 Reviews

    Tamika Emanuel

    Hi customer I am sharing my honest experience I booked an affordable price of $922 for myself and son to travel to Guyana on vacation.....within minutes my phone rang Mike from Travelo1 agency I am calling to confirm your reservation but your price went up to $1274 I told him this new pricing is not within my budget. Travelo1 never took out my payment only pending pending along with phone calls upon phone calls about the new price. I am a victim of bait and switch use my experience and think twice before you book.
    Apr 03,2023 Flag

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