WaterSkis.com Reviews

WaterSkis.com Reviews

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Waterskis.com has a rating of 1 stars from 2 Reviews, showing most of the customers are unhappy with their purchases and don't recommend this company
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    1 stars based on 2 Reviews


    I ordered surfboard from them. The board came damaged. There is no way to contact them, Nobody answering phone or email.
    Jul 10,2024 Flag


    Worse company. I ordered surfboard.I started to open the surfboard and noticed that the surfboard is not new and has been repaired. I ordered new surfboard not damaged one. So i didn't open the entire surfboard - it still has original packaging. The above mentioned damage that I noticed is on the tip of the surfboard so I decided to ship it back right away. So i tried to contact company, they don't answer emails, their phone goes directly to voicemail. So That is the worst experience i ever had. I paid almost 400$ and end up with damaged surfboard.
    Jul 10,2024 Flag

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