FlexPro Meals Review

FlexPro Meals Review

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Flexpromeals.com has a rating of 4.73 stars from 251 Reviews, showing most of the customers are happy with their purchases and strongly recommend them to others
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    Flexpromeals.com's Positive and Negative highlights

    • Affordable Prices
    • Excellent Customer Service
    • User Experience
    • Quality

    Review Score Breakdown

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    4.73 stars based on 251 Reviews


    I had a problem with a pkg that arrived and damaged ! Messaged the online team and worked with Jessica ! She helped in no time ! Got me taken care off! Let's hope these meals rock as much as the customer service has !
    Jul 03,2024 Flag

    Jimmy G

    Great customer service. The website was not letting me to update the amount of meals for the week and used customer chat option on the website. Jessica, updated the amount I meals I needed and gave me time to look on the website during the chat. I've been using FlexPro meals almost two years and always get text, emails and message responses from customer service.
    Jul 03,2024 Flag

    Carm Thomas

    I had a few questions about delivery days and Jessica helped to answer all my questions. She was great help.
    Jul 03,2024 Flag

    Jimmy G

    I recently use the chat on the FlexPro meals website because the site was not letting me to update the number of meals I needed. Jessica updated the number of meals I wanted and replied the the meals that were not available anymore. I've been using FlexPro meals for almost two years and always get a quick texts, emails and message responses.
    Jul 03,2024 Flag


    Awesome food and quality service!
    Jul 02,2024 Flag

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