
Shopper Approved collects up to 70x more Merchant Ratings & Reviews than any other review company.

What are Merchant Reviews?

Merchant Reviews are reviews we collect from your customers regarding their overall shopping experience. We use a proven 2-step process. Our initial survey collects information right after they buy, and then we send a full survey via email once they receive their order. We then syndicate your reviews to multiple locations in Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Collect More Merchant Ratings and Reviews

When it comes to collecting merchant ratings and reviews, the service provider you choose makes ALL the difference. For example, clients that switch to Shopper Approved from other competing services consistently collect up to 70x more ratings and reviews than they did with their previous provider. 70x more merchant ratings and reviews means 70x more social proof for your business..

Get More Traffic & Visibility in

With all this incredible feedback, you need some amazing places to share it. Thanks to our agreements with Google, Bing and Yahoo, we’re able to directly syndicate and display your 5-Star listings in more places than any other review site, including Google Adwords, Google Shopping, Bing and Yahoo Ad Networks, along with multiple organic search locations in Google, Bing and Yahoo.

“Shopper Approved has allowed us as a small business to have an ‘Amazon-Like’ effect on our new clients…”

John Sprock,

With Shopper Approved The Proof Is In The Numbers


Customer Ratings and Reviews have been collected in the last 30 days.


of all ratings in the Shopper Approved system are either 4 or 5 star ratings.


out of 17579 of our client’s customers surveyed said they’re more likely to buy from a website that displays the Shopper Approved Seal.


Total Ratings and Reviews have been collected since 2010.

Less than 0.6%

of all ratings in the Shopper Approved system are 1-star ratings.


We never use money, prizes, or gifts to gather or influence ratings.

Display 5-Star Reviews On Your Website

Trusted 3rd party Merchant Ratings and Reviews from Shopper Approved are one of the most powerful sales tools you can add to your website. Shopper Approved merchant reviews can be added anywhere on your website with a simple line of code to give you the social proof you need to stand out from your competitors and make more sales.

It’s time to take your Merchant Reviews to a whole new level.

Start Your Risk-Free Trial

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