Guidelines for Writing a Review on ShopperChecked

Shopperchecked is a website where customers may leave product or service comments for others to see. More people will be attracted to a business if word gets out about how fantastic it is, so it is essential that these reviews remain as honest and favorable as possible. While the reviews actually attract new clients, presenting them in the most appropriate location is a significant step in the correct direction for a company. So Shopperchecked is a review platform that will reveal the truth about any company. So being a trusted review platform we ask you to keep your reviews as genuine as possible. While writing a review follow the given guidelines and contribute to making Shopperchecked a clean and trustworthy place.

When do you write a review?

While many people require prompting to submit a review, there is a multitude of causes why you should write reviews on your own. Based on a recent consumer survey, the three major reasons people leave reviews are to assist others in making better purchasing decisions, to express an experience, and to praise a brand for exceptional performance. This was applicable for both males and females on a global scale. A different scenario emerged when we examined this question in terms of geography. Customers in the United States are primarily motivated by the want to share an experience, but consumers in Europe are motivated by the desire to positively influence others’ purchasing decisions. So when a favorable or negative encounter hits an emotional chord with you, you are advised to leave a review. If you have had a particularly bad experience, then you should write a review to vent your frustration and fury, particularly when you genuinely feel wronged or exploited.

Be honest about your Review

Don’t fabricate a scenario or create a review for somebody; instead, let them write their own. You should really not review a business if you’re affiliated with it, an employee of it, or are a rival of that company. An excellent review offers enough information for others to get a sense of what transpired. Explain what elements contributed to your good, bad, or mediocre experience. You might also provide your thoughts on what the organization is doing good and what they can do better. However, maintain a polite and respectful approach.

There’s no law that says you can’t write a review in a few words, but the more descriptive you will be, the more chances the review will be valuable. We recommend writing out of your own unique point of view, being honest, and referring to the facts. Assist readers in putting themselves in your shoes.

Do not write a Fake review

False or fake reviews are an infringement of any review sites’ terms of service. This implies that any effort to use fake reviews to undermine your brand’s image or that of your rivals can lead to legal action. Fake reviews are written by some businesses in order to improve their popularity and attract new customers. The act of fabricating or disseminating a fraudulent review is strictly forbidden. Not only does this threaten the consumer’s faith in reviews. It also shatters the reputation that other businesses have strived to establish. If you’re detected creating bogus reviews, then your account might get suspended from our platform followed by legal actions.

Deletion or editing of a review

You are the sole owner of your review. That indicates you have complete control over your review and can edit, amend, or delete it at any moment. If you wish to add more data about a particular encounter, you should update an existing review. Although it’s fine to leave many reviews for a company if you’ve had multiple experiences, please don’t overwhelm a business with reviews, since this isn’t useful to anybody. ShopperChecked allows you to delete a review or edit it if your previous opinion about the company has been revised.

Keep your information private

Your review is available to the whole internet. That’s why including your own confidential or sensitive data is never a smart idea, and it’s never alright to include someone else’s. Data such as names, telephone numbers, locations, mailing addresses, and everything else that may be used to monitor, identify, contact, or deceive someone are all on the table. We want your as well as others’ privacy and security to be adequately protected.

Don’t fall for Promotion or Incentives

Always try to your reviews useful by eliminating promotional allusions, marketing materials, and hyperlinks. This isn’t the place to advertise things, give out discount coupons, create action groups, or meet other people in your region who share your interests. When a business encourages you to post a paid review, keep in mind this could backfire on you. It will be you find yourself in a lawsuit, not the one who provoked you into this. So please keep the platform clean by posting only honest reviews, and discard any incentives in exchange for a review. If you happen to find yourself in such situations, mail us about your experience and we will handle it for you.


Because we believe the vast majority of our visitors have good motives, we don’t monitor or filter reviews before they are published. However, posting a review online makes it public. As a result, the same regulations apply to user reviews as they do to any other type of published viewpoint. You have the freedom to free speech, but there is a line between what is suitable and what is not. Misleading statements are prohibited at the most extreme end of the spectrum. This covers accusations that are false or have not yet been shown to be true. Rather than raising an outraged voice, a more credible way is to assume a cool, sensible tone if you’ve had a bad encounter using Shopperchecked. Simply explain what happened and let your review’s viewers form their own judgments. This could also indicate that the brand in concern is more willing to work with you to resolve the issue.


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