Guidelines For Sponsored Posts on ShopperChecked.Com

Paid articles that adhere to ShopperChecked’s rules and regulations are referred to as sponsored posts.

If you would like to sponsor an article on ShopperChecked.Com, please make sure that it complies with the following requirements:

-It would be considered advertising and require sponsorship if you wanted an article to be published with a link to your website or product.
-All sponsored posts must disclose their sponsorship in accordance with FTC standards. It will be indicated that your article is sponsored as a result.

-The article needs to have at least 1000 words. We reserve the right to make changes to the post’s formatting, grammar, tone, and style. We’ll give the sponsor a chance to see any changes we make to your post before publishing it on ShopperChecked.

-It is necessary to pay in advance.

-For recurring sponsored postings from the same sponsor, We will consider discounted rates.

-Images must be included in written articles, and any photos, films, or other media that are included with 
the article must belong to the author or be used with permission under copyright. You must provide proper attribution with your images.

-Every article must  unique content that hasn’t been published anywhere else. -Posts and articles must be  high-quality and well written. Every study and data from outside sources needs to be properly acknowledged or cited.

-Posts may contain up to three no-follow links and 2 Do Follow. Spam-related links are not permitted, and all links must be agreed upon before publication.

-Custom links on custom anchor text or keywords is allowed(Spam-related links,texts,keywords  are not permitted).Posts have to be uploaded in Google Doc or Word document formats. Information about attribution and captions must be included in image files.

-For bylined articles, please provide a short author bio. One text link may be present in this, up to a maximum of three no-follow links.

-We reserve the final decision to accept or reject a sponsored post.
-We reserve the right to remove sponsored content if your product/service violates any copyright or patent or the values ShopperChecked.Com.

If you’d like to sponsor a post on ShopperChecked.Com, please contact us at [email protected]. Use the subject line: ShopperChecked Sponsored Post Collaboration.


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